Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Brand New Day

Man, summer days pass way too quickly for my liking! What is up with that?
On Tuesday, I spent the day cooking and cleaning for the missionaries and we had an amazing meal!
I will post the pictures and recipes sometime when my mom finds my iPod cord and my iPod isn't dead -___-

anywaysss, after dinner i went to graffy's house and we had a summer solstice party which was super fun (:
I got home at 12:30 and got to sleep around 2, 
this kinda sucked because wednesday began with an 8:30 shift at work...
can you say BLOWN? haha but it was alright, work was busy, but i had no saves. yayy.
Then i got home and made dinner again because Ben forgot to make some, silly boy.

Today will be another full but awesome day, i have work at 10:30 
then at 3 when i get off I will be hurrying home for a temple trip (:
awesome day yes? yes sirr, i can't wait :D to go finish cleaning the kitchen..... haha.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Starting Today...

Alrighty, well.  I started a new blog because I don't like posting on one that's been out of touch for a long period of time, and because I would try to post on that one, the post would fail and then my post would be gone, blahblahblah, frustration=new blog time! ...not that I'm complaining. My blog needed some serious revamping and so does my life. This summer I'm working on improving myself: going to the gym, healthy habits, reading more, getting summer assignments done ahead of time, stopping procrastinating, trying new things, making things,  the list goes on. I'm off to a great start though!

Today I got up and did personal study, ate a small bowl of cereal, trimmed the front hedges, ate a small bowl of oatmeal, got ready and went to work, came home after a couple of hours because no patrons showed up, ate a pb&j sandwich, finished the last bit of the hedges, and started the blog. I'm about to go shower, and then I'll probably work on my room or something, get groceries, and then have family night (maybe throw in some gym time?). Tomorrow, I am in charge of dinner for the missionaries and I will post pictures for sure (: