Man, summer days pass way too quickly for my liking! What is up with that?
On Tuesday, I spent the day cooking and cleaning for the missionaries and we had an amazing meal!
I will post the pictures and recipes sometime when my mom finds my iPod cord and my iPod isn't dead -___-
anywaysss, after dinner i went to graffy's house and we had a summer solstice party which was super fun (:
I got home at 12:30 and got to sleep around 2,
this kinda sucked because wednesday began with an 8:30 shift at work...
can you say BLOWN? haha but it was alright, work was busy, but i had no saves. yayy.
Then i got home and made dinner again because Ben forgot to make some, silly boy.
Today will be another full but awesome day, i have work at 10:30
then at 3 when i get off I will be hurrying home for a temple trip (:
awesome day yes? yes sirr, i can't wait :D to go finish cleaning the kitchen..... haha. to go finish cleaning the kitchen..... haha.